
Chatarsis psihianilitic

Think about all the good in your life - it's only temporary
think about all the positive sides in life - they never last forever

so drink to forget
and drown all your sorrow
bury your dreams
choose mind refinery

all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries and the...(nepenthe)
all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries of the past

when the light of the chosen has died
when the Master is slave to his life

all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries and the...(forget)
all the love and the hate and the hate and the hate for you - my love

when the light of chosen has died
it is time to do something right, for once, goddamned!

so drink to forget
and drown all your sorrow
bury your dreams
and choose Catharsis!

all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries and the...(revenge)
all the hate in the world is the power to bring you down!

when the light of chosen has died
it is time to pay back for their crimes

Am ales numarul 48 din playlist-ul meu incomplet de acasa...ca sa ma ajute sa decid raspunsul la o intrebare neintrebata de nimeni. 48 m-a trimis la wikipedia si am aflat de ce boala sufar.

Sunt un copil rau, care mi-e tare drag! Eu! Eliza! Nu e musai sa ma vindec! Doar la comanda...daca mi se cere...prin autosugestie! Si daca e sa fie chemata autosugestia in ajutor (nu-i musai)...vreau (o) sa ma intorc...exact de acolo unde eram inainte!

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ps update 18 iulie 2013...ce "şoadă" eram în '09! 

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